Thursday, September 24, 2009

A quick round-up

Yea i know.. It has been ages since my last update bout my bday..
Been super duper busy lately. Most pathetically..
i found i got an assignment need to be completed by 6th October >.<
plus most of the mid-term tests are in october too.. sienz
Facts are stubborn and cruel things!!

Just finished eileen chang's novel and i tot i ll be free to read more but im totally WRONG
Things are just not so easy as u thought.. so many uncertains
obviously i have no time for my english version harry potter now..
bye bye to my dear harry for temporary..

by the way coffee really kept me awake and excited
i kept feeling like goyang kaki in the class
(i definitely dont have the habit of goyang kaki okay..
u should know a pauper dont even have her time to goyang kaki)
kept feeling like goyang my hands as well..
sounds peculiar right..
maybe the caffeine is the culprit >.<
(cannot let mummy know.. she strictly prohibits me from drinking coffee..)

It's five o clock now and i gotta run again
take a very short nap+wash clothes+wash myself+have dinner+assignment waiting for me+memorizing scripts

i shall stop here.. stay tuned!

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