Sunday, August 02, 2009

I handmade my own hair band

草莓布布可愛吧?哇哈哈~ 還在想要不要留著自己用吶~

Uh-uuh, I handmade my own hair band.
I just had a sudden notion to sew a hair band, not knowing why.
My first attempt was a total failure. I cant even turn the right side out =.= Isn't this fabric printed in strawberry pattern cute?
Mummy sew one using cute polka dot fabric too but it was a total failure as well.
Haha, the one who successfully figured out the way to sew this out is me..

Shud be cute using it to tie my hair up tomorrow >.<
Still pondering over the thought of giving it away to friend..

That's all for this post.. Stay tuned always!

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